Raffle Regulations for Victoria – A Simple Guide
In Australia raffles are considered to be gambling and each state has its own raffle regulations overseen by a government body. So, when planning a raffle your first consideration should be to review the raffle regulations for Victoria.
Let’s start at the beginning.
Are you Declared?
In Victoria in order to conduct a raffle of any size the non-profit organisation benefiting from the raffle is required to be “Declared” by the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC). The Declared Application is free and takes 28 days to process at which time the organisation will be added to the VGCCC Declared List. Once declared your organisation may conduct raffles within Victoria for up to 10 years.
Do you need a permit?
The second element to consider is whether your organisation will require a permit for their raffle.
This handy link of frequently asked questions provided by the VGCCC outlines the three types of raffles available in Victoria based on size and the conditions that apply. They include $500 or less, $20000 or less and over $20000. The threshold for a permit was increased from $5000 to $20000 on the 1st September 2022.
In Victoria if you have a total prize pool value of $20,000 or less you WILL NOT require a permit. Prize value is determined by what you would pay on the current market for the item.
Just a quick note whilst we are talking about prizes. In Victoria you are not allowed to have cash as a prize. Instead you could consider gold bullion, gift cards or vouchers.
Should your prize pool be greater than $20,000 then a Minor Gaming Permit Application must be submitted and will take up to 21 days to process. A permit is valid for no longer than 12 months and a separate permit is required for each raffle activity. A permit fee is payable and must accompany the Application.
On the Application your organisation must nominate a person known as a “nominee” who is responsible for ensuring that the raffle is conducted according to the permit conditions.
The Minor Gaming Permit is fairly straight forward and easy to complete and has a handy checklist to ensure you have covered all areas required.
You may lodge your Declaration Application and Minor Gaming Permit Application at the same time to expedite the process.
Using a third party or Commercial Raffle Organiser
In Victoria if you are planning to conduct your raffle through a third party then, for your own protection, the Commercial Raffle Organiser is required to hold a licence from the VGCCC. You can review the list of licensees here. RaffleLink appears under its company name Glacier Park Group Pty Ltd.
Individuals Fundraising for Charity
If you are an individual conducting a fundraising raffle on behalf on an organisation, be sure and check that their name is on the Declared List. You will require a “Letter of Authority” from the non-profit organisation permitting you to conduct fundraising on their behalf.
Individuals are unable to apply for a Minor Gaming Permit so you will either need the cooperation of the non-profit organisation with them completing the Application for you.
What next?
To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Plan. Just say the word.
If you’re planning to sell tickets in other states
Every state has it’s own raffle regulations. Please Get in touch with RaffleLink to receive free tailor-made permit advice for your next raffle.
This government information was up-to-date at the time this blog was published. Always check with the VGCCC or the latest forms & fees.